What about evening childcare? We want parents/carers to be able to stay and party with us!
If your guests have accommodation on site we are able to take children to their rooms and put them to bed and either stay in the room with them or bring a monitor back to the main playroom. However, if guests are not staying at the wedding reception we will pack away the crèche equipment, put on pyjamas and dim the lights ready for those who want or need to go to sleep. It is the responsibility of the Parents / carers to provide travel cots & ready beds. For the older ones we are able to keep a corner of the room for quiet crafting, books or we have also found that DVDs & Hot Chocolate for the older children go down well too.
Who pays for the creche?
The way in which the crèche is paid for is entirely up to the bride and groom – whether they pay for the whole sum or ask guests with children to contribute, we tend to have Bride and Grooms pay for daytime childcare and then parents book evening babysitting if they require it.

We have varying ages from newborns to teenagers attending
When a crèche is booked we ask for the ages of children likely to attend so we can ensure we have nannies with the relevant experience booked. Although there will be children playing in the crèche we find that it is a calmer environment than that of the main wedding reception. Parents/Carers are welcome to come into the crèche to feed their little ones, or even pump if necessary, we’ll ensure you have a quiet area if you need. However, all team members are able to care for / feed / change Newborns if parents want to pop out to relax and chat with friends and family.
On the other hand, with teenagers we will ensure that there is adequate entertainment for them, based on the registration forms stating their interests we will make sure there is something for them to do, we tend to think of our crèches more of as a ‘base’ where they can chill and have some fun when the wedding gets too much.
What if my child won't settle?
A change in routine and the excitement of a wedding is likely to be unsettling for children and they therefore may behave differently to normal, we gain all Parents / carers contact details on our sign in forms when children are initially left with us in case they need to be contacted if a child becomes excessively unsettled. However, we often find that the information we gain on the registration form allows us to indentify a child’s interests and use this to distract the child.

Is anyone able to collect my child?
To ensure your child’s safety we have sign in / out forms so only the people you have stated are able to collect your child. Therefore, once children are in our care they are only able to leave the crèche with a designated adult.
Children who are part of the wedding party and therefore needed for photos are welcome to come into the Crèche until they are needed when one of our team will escort them to where they need to be.
Why would we need a Nanny if the parents are able to look after the children?
All of my Nannies are there specifically to play with the children, able to sit on the floor and play cars, craft away and not worry if a little dribble gets on their shoulder. Things that parents, all suited and booted for the wedding may find difficult to do or may not have considered.

Some parents love the idea of a there being a creche, but some who really don't
This is something, as a parent myself I completely understand, however all parents are welcome to call me before the day and run through their child’s routine and favourite things so we are prepared on the day, parents are also encouraged to come into the crèche and play with their children while they ask any further questions they may have. This has proven to help parents relax when they see their children playing alongside the Cornwall Childcare Crèche team. We are also situated within the venue normally no more than a room away – so are easily contactable and close by.
Although we may begin as strangers, to the children we soon become playmates. All the Cornwall Childcare team are childcare professionals, and ensure they quickly make a rapport with the children in order to maintain an enjoyable and friendly atmosphere.
As a mum myself I take extreme care in choosing the right people to be part of my team. Therefore all of my team are DBS checked, Paediatric First Aid Trained, trained in childcare, and the crèche is fully insured.